Pilot’s Paws Story

The pandemic made many of us reevaluate, reflect, and pivot. This was true not only for humans, but also for our pets. Although COVID-19 caused devastation, it also forced many people to spend more time at home, get a pet, and become more attached to those they already owned.

This was true for me and my dog Pilot. Although I believed the bond between Pilot and me could not be any stronger, we became dependent on each other during the pandemic. As a Social Worker and former residential therapist, I can appreciate the therapeutic effect pets have on people. It’s the same unconditional love I get from Pilot (and my turtle, Nellie) every day.

With this knowing, I also decided to do the “pandemic pivot,” leave my office job, and work with animals full time. That is how Pilot's Paws, LLC was formed.

Your pet is our Pilot.

Meet Pilot

The goofy guy behind Pilot’s Paws, and my best friend. I rescued him 12 years ago from a kill shelter in Alabama, and it’s the best decision I’ve made.

Our favorite activities include adventures on the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, digging holes on the beach, and spooning with absolutely no boundaries.

My family basically collects black rescue dogs and here’s why:

Black dogs are euthanized at significantly higher rates than their light-colored counterparts and are often the last to get adopted at shelters. This is a phenomenon called “Black Dog Syndrome.” I hope that Pilot and his cousins show that black dogs are just as wonderful as all the other pups.